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Fnatic since 15th Feb 2022


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Fnatic Worlds 2023
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KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder
Loading...You can't buy it from fnatic anymore but you can buy it from others, the best way would be through a marketplace like OpenSea.
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder
Loading...@Vikingr I don't know why it seems too hard for you to understand what I am saying. If everyone boycotts Saudi Arabia then maybe they will stop sport washing but is it going to help the oppressed people? If esports doesn't work then they will simply use another sport. So explain how boycotting helps the oppressed people beyond "sending a message". And if you are not tolerating ESL why did you use the words "in an ideal world"? If you believe fnatic shouldn't have participated then why use these words?
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder
Loading...@Vikingr I have been talking about the impact for the people oppressed. Also Moist Esports boycotted a tournament in Saudi Arabia and there is no evidence it did anything. You are clearly tolerated fnatic participating in ESL tournaments since there are no alternatives. Why should it be different for the Esports world cup? Is there a alternative tournament to it I am not aware of?
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder
Loading...@Vikingr I was asking if there is evidence that boycotting would provide any real help to the oppressed outside of just virtue signalling and a lot of maybes. If it doesn't concretely improve the situation for the oppressed then sending a message is meaningless. Since you said in a ideal world's it means you know the real isn't perfect and you are not advocating for fnatic to boycott ESL. So why is it acceptable for fnatic to participate in ESL tournaments but not in the esports world cup?
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder
Loading...@Vikingr What does not participating change? Are the tangible results? Do you believe fnatic also shouldn't play in any ESL tournaments and fnatic players should play on faceit?