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Fnatic since 31st Mar 2024

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@Toast90last Sunday at 12:22 PM
Loading...@whyhanguldoesntbetyped As a fan, i think we may critize but you need to be polite. Looking the recent news Bleed has signed Nawwk and Jkeam which means fnatic missed out on a huge upgrade, yet again. I think as fans we deserve answers.
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Provide us answers
@Toast90last Sunday at 12:01 PM
Loading...Hello Fnatic, I understand that it has been mentioned from your end that you will reach out when there's more information, but I still want to try for the sake of it. Recently, Fnatic lost CCT, EPL, and Yalla. Personally, I haven't seen any improvement in the team throughout these tournaments. You didn't even communicate anything after the loss at CCT. I still want to ask you to communicate with us. What are the goals for the upcoming period? Improvement has been promised by Sam, but what kind of improvement? When? How will we see it? There are so many questions we as fans don't have answers to. So many questions where we don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. What is holding Fnatic back at the moment? During this period, we see many teams changing players. Opportunities that Fnatic also could have taken. Why not? Nawwk is available, a significant improvement over Afro, who has a rating of 0.88 in LAN over the last 6 months. When will we get answers? Where is Fnatic heading? All we hear is, "Strategic choices have been made." What are they? What does that entail? Financially? All we, as fans see is a team that shows no improvement, only losses, and no communication from your end. How can we be fans if we don't get to hear such things? Given the poor results, lack of progress, and what seems to be satisfaction from your end, I'm simply afraid that Fnatic will become a team where no one wants to go anymore. There are even rumors that this is already happening. What are you going to do about it? We want answers. Concrete answers. Give us insights what fnatic is dong after a huge decline the past 4 years and the last 6 months with this roster. I hope you can provide us with answers.
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Provide us answers
Loading...Agree, I would like to know when fnatic reconsider this lineup. And i want no "politic" answer like, improvement is coming etc. etc. The results of the last 6 months are unacceptable. Let alone the last 4 years.
Loading...Hello, Lets start a new discussion, and keep it clean. Now that we lost in EPL with a score of 1-3. I wonder if this is enough to reconsider this line-up or even the management. I know that fnatic has registered for a new tournament which starts in about 2 days, but i think that fnatic should not hold back changes for that qualifier. We lost every qualifier to this date and i want to know when is it enough for fnatic?
Loading...What do you guys think. How will Fnatic perform at EPL? And what will fnatic do if they dont get the desired outcome? Will Fnatic finally change their lineup?
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CS2 and EPL