Counter-Strike 2
AllCS2CS2 being neglected

CS2 being neglected

nebukuro's avatarKingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro22/03/2024

CS2 being neglected

I feel like fnatic doesn't really care about the CS2 team anymore. No content for the YouTube channel since 7 months. No changes in the team despite the terrible performance in the rmr. At this point it's just money wasting.

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[deleted]@[deleted]• 22/03/2024
Loading...After winning the RES cup or whatever that is, they'll just farm online events until partner leagues end, and will disband shortly after. Turns out its pretty hard to make a good team when you cheap out on basically everything, cant even afford an academy team...
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KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 23/03/2024
Loading...@crossontont Honestly I don't think they can consistently win those kind of tournaments. But also it doesn't seem like fnatic has given up on CS entirely since they just recently bought out Mary's who wasn't cheap.